
"Fellowship" is simply another word for "scholarship." It involves national competition for a merit-based award. 获奖者将获得资助, 在某些情况下是指导, 广泛的机会,如研究项目和项目(国内和海外), 实习, 研究生学习, study abroad and experiential learning. "Competition" is a key word: these opportunities are highly competitive. 但不要因此而气馁. The application process is a learning opportunity in itself, 哪一个会提升你的本科教育以及你未来的职业角色.太平洋奖学金办公室与申请所有外部资助机会的学生合作.

Get advice from Pacific’s own applicants for 国家奖学金.



  • 杰西Herche (Biology, Conservatory)
  • 贾斯汀·唐(生物)
  • Janos Csontos(音乐学院)
  • Sonam Virk (SIS)
  • 艾米·威科夫(SIS)


  • 大卫·卡兰 (Economics, Prepharmacy)

英国奖学金 (Marshall, Gates-Cambridge, Rhodes)

  • 杰西Herche


  • 大卫·卡兰
  • Cheyanne哈里斯 (Civil Engineering)


Carnegie Junior Fellows Program

  • Sonam Virk


  • 杰西Herche


  • Cheyanne哈里斯

Summer 研究 Opportunities Program (SROP)

  • 阿鲁萨·艾哈迈德(心理学)


发送电子邮件至 peeradvisor@wjc7.com and specify which Ambassador(s) you wish to reach.

Freshmen Fellowship Opportunities

关键语言奖学金(CLS)项目是一个为美国本科生和研究生提供全额资助的海外语言和文化沉浸暑期项目. 其目标是扩大美国人学习和掌握关键语言的基础,并建立美国人民与其他国家人民之间的关系, CLS为来自美国各地不同语言学习水平的学生提供学习机会. CLS计划提供的大多数语言不要求申请人有任何学习关键语言的经验. The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths, with the purpose of representing the full diversity of professional, 区域, cultural and academic backgrounds in the United States. 参与者是根据他们对语言学习的承诺和将他们的语言技能应用于未来学术或职业追求的计划来选择的. The CLS Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. 它是美国军事基地的一部分.S. 政府跨部门努力,大幅增加美国人学习和掌握重要外语的人数. Pacific students may continue their study of Mandarin, 日本, 俄罗斯, 或阿拉伯语, or begin to learn one of the other 13 languages offered by the program, provided they can present strong academic and professional reasons for doing so.

国家的最后期限: 11月中旬.

美英富布赖特委员会为来英国的美国公民提供特殊的暑期学院.  这些暑期项目为美国本科生(18岁以上)提供了机会。, with at least two years of under研究生学习 left to complete, 来英国打三分, 四个, five or six week academic and cultural summer program. The Summer Institutes will cover the majority of participant costs.  This includes round-trip airfare from the US to the UK, tuition and fees at the host university/institution, accommodation and meals and in some cases a small daily allowance.  The topics and sites of the institutes vary from year to year.

国家的最后期限: 2月底/ 3月初   

吉尔曼奖学金旨在通过向美国学生提供奖学金,使出国留学和实习的学生种类多样化,并使他们前往的国家和地区多样化.S. undergraduates who might otherwise not participate due to financial constraints. Applicants must be receiving a Pell Grant.  Note that the Gilman will not cover the entire cost of a study abroad program.

国家的最后期限: varies depending on study abroad program start date (fall, spring, summer).

Sophomore Fellowship Opportunities

暑期研究机会项目(SROP)是进入CIC大学研究生教育的门户. 该计划的目标是增加代表性不足的学生(美国公民和永久居民)的数量,他们追求人文学科的研究生学习和研究事业, 社会科学, 与科学. SROP提供密集的研究经验与教师导师和丰富的活动.  Applicants should have a strong interest in pursuing a Ph.D. Benefits include a stipend, travel, and room and board. 

国家的最后期限: 11月. 2月1日至2月初(滚动)  

自1992年以来, 领导力联盟鼓励来自传统上在科学领域未被充分代表的群体的学生, 工程, 在社会科学和人文科学领域追求有竞争力的申请研究生院和研究事业(博士或医学博士), 公营及私营机构. SR-EIP is a gateway to ongoing resources, 指导和专业网络支持所有参与者选择的职业道路. 只需一份申请,就可以在22个夏季研究地点中的3个申请研究经验.

的最后期限: 2月. 1 (applications accepted as early as 11月. 1).

安进博彩平台网址大全排名允许来自世界各地的本科生参与世界一流机构的前沿研究机会. You must have an interest in pursuing a PhD or MD-PhD to apply. 17 leading institutions across the U.S., Europe, and Japan currently host the summer program. US students may apply to either US or 日本 sites. 本科 participants undertake a 研究 project under top faculty, share a cohort-based experience of seminars and networking events, and take part in a symposium in their respective region (U.S., Europe or Japan) where they meet their peers, 了解生物科技, and hear from leading scientists. 以前的研究经验是没有必要的,你不需要是一个生物学专业申请. Financial support is a critical component of the 安进博彩平台网址大全排名计划. Please note that details vary by host institution. See each institution's 安进博彩平台网址大全排名计划 website for more information.

截止日期: 2月. 2   领导的联盟 (see Freshmen).

博仁奖学金提供至少6个月的海外语言强化学习资金(只有STEM学生可以单独提出暑期课程). Boren focuses on geographic areas, languages and fields of study that are critical to US national security interests, in countries outside of Western Europe, 加拿大, 澳大利亚或新西兰. Applicants may propose to begin study of a language not taught at Pacific, or continue their study of Mandarin, 日本, 俄罗斯, 法国, 或西班牙语. See Boren website for campus timeline.  

国家的最后期限: 二月初.

Additional funding is available with these opportunities. 

Junior Fellowship Opportunities

托马斯R. 皮克林外交事务奖学金项目为优秀的候选人进入美国提供学术和专业准备.S. Department of State Foreign Service, representing America's interests abroad. 皮克林奖学金获得者是从事国际事务相关学术项目的本科生和研究生, political and economic analysis, 政府, 管理, 科学政策. 女性, members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, and students with financial need are encouraged to apply. 皮克林研究员获得指导、专业发展和财政支持. Upon successful completion of the Foreign Service examination, 皮克林研究员承诺至少担任五年的外交事务官员.

国家的最后期限: 2月. 7

哈利·波特. 杜鲁门基金会奖学金计划为表现出有潜力成为公共服务事业变革推动者的杰出大三学生提供机会,以完善他们的目标并规划他们的研究生学习. 成功的申请者有作为变革推动者的个人成就历史, 并且能够展示他们过去的成就如何与他们未来的计划联系起来.  Foundation 奖学金s award up to $30,000 for graduate studies in the U.S. or abroad in a very broad range of careers dedicated to public service. Truman Scholars participate in leadership training programs, career and graduate school counseling, and special internship opportunities within the federal government. 更多的 than 600 students apply each year for 55 to 65 spots.

国家的最后期限: 2月. 3

Senior and Recent 研究生 Fellowship Opportunities

The Fulbright US Student Program is the largest US exchange program, 为应届毕业生和年轻专业人员提供国际研究生学习的机会, 研究, university teaching and primary and secondary teaching worldwide. 该计划目前每年在所有研究领域颁发约1900个奖学金,并在全球140多个国家开展业务. 富布赖特博彩平台网址大全排名因其学术卓越和领导潜力而被选中,并有机会参与政治领域的跨文化交流, 经济和文化观念.

国家的最后期限: 10月. 16

盖茨剑桥奖学金项目于2000年10月以210美元的捐款成立,000,比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会向剑桥大学捐赠了000美元. 奖学金颁发给来自英国以外国家的优秀申请人,用于攻读剑桥大学任何学科的全日制研究生学位. The selection criteria are: outstanding intellectual ability; leadership potential; a commitment to improving the lives of others. Approximately 800 US students apply for 40 spots.

国家的最后期限: 10月. 12月15日. 非美国公民2个) 

Additional funding is available with these opportunities.